Daily exercise

Dear members, guests, friends of Shrewton Running Club

You may have noticed our quiet lanes becoming busier as our fellow residents exercise. We love this, seeing new faces and recommending new routes, is part of who we are.

However, when running please consider;

  • Running past people may startle them, we ask you to slow down as you pass and say hello. 
  • If members see dog walkers, we recommend you stop running as you pass the dog, a gentle walk past and a quick hello.

In these difficult times, we would not want to startle a resident or alarm a dog.

 It is also Lambing season so if members are out with dogs we recommend you keep them on a lead.

@Boom-Challenge #6

We want our members to stay active and have fun, therefore for their one exercise a day we will set a new virtual run each week and welcome anyone to join in. Here is Challenge no. 6

Please stick to the governments guidelines on social distancing. Choose a route you can keep your distance, say hi to people and bring a smile to their day. Remember this is their only exercise for the day, and you might be the only person they see.

@Boom-Challenge #5

We want our members to stay active and have fun, therefore for their one exercise a day we will set a new virtual run each week and welcome anyone to join in. Here is Challenge no. 5

Please stick to the governments guidelines on social distancing. Choose a route you can keep your distance, say hi to people and bring a smile to their day. Remember this is their only exercise for the day, and you might be the only person they see.